New way to stardom
As for the future, she says: "I am often asked about the next trends in pop music, but I have no answer for that question because it's unpredictable.
"For example, it is believed that younger people are attracted to music with international content, but Mao Buyi won the audience over with a guitar and personal, sentimental lyrics and good melodies.
"Through the show, we look for talented people who represent Chinese youth pop culture."
According to Ma Yankun, vice-president of Tencent Penguin Pictures, one of the studio operations belonging to Tencent, the company has mapped out plans for introducing young Chinese pop idols. The Coming One was the first phase of the plan.
"We've seen more young singer-songwriters applying to the show after the first season. So, in the second season, the audience will see more diversity in terms of music," says Ma.