Obesity called threat to security
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is facing a fast-growing national security threat that could prove one of its trickiest challenges yet: the US’ obesity crisis.
A study released this week has found that nearly one-third of young US citizens are now too overweight to join up, a worrying statistic for military officials already facing recruitment challenges.
“Obesity has long threatened our nation’s health. As the epidemic grows, obesity is posing a threat to our nation’s security as well,” the Council for a Strong America states in its new report.
The Army last month announced it would miss its goal of attracting 76,500 new recruits in 2018. The shortfall is of about 6,500 soldiers — the first time since 2005 the service had missed its hiring targets.
A strong US economy and tight jobs market played a role, but the numbers highlight the dwindling pool of applicants the Pentagon has to draw from.
According to the Defense Department, obesity is one of the top reasons why 71 percent of US citizens aged 17-24 do not meet the military’s signup requirements.
“Given the high percentage of American youth who are too overweight to serve, recruiting challenges will continue unless measures are taken to encourage a healthy lifestyle beginning at a young age,” states the study.
Factors such as prior drug use or a lack of academic qualifications are also taking a toll.
The report, compiled by a group of retired generals and admirals, notes that the obesity issue is a particular worry as it comes when fewer young people are interested in joining the military in the first place.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a retired Marine general, last month said the shrinking pool of US citizens eligible to serve was a “big concern”.
The report concludes that the solution lies in ensuring children and parents learn about the vital importance of healthy eating and physical activity from a young age.
“Basic training lasts weeks, but building strong troops takes years. Encouraging healthy lifestyles early in life will help our nation prepare for future challenges,” retired Air Force general Richard Myers said.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last year found that 2.2 billion people worldwide are believed to be overweight, and more than 1 in 10 are obese, fueling a health crisis that claims millions of lives every year.
Of the world’s most populous countries, the United States leads the way in terms of obesity among children and young adults, at 13 percent.