Track by track
How many cars do you produce each year and how long does it take until a model gets out of the factory?
We have produced nearly 10,000 references and manufactured nearly one million models a year since the company's inception. We produce vehicles ranging from 1/87 to 1/8 scale; 90 percent of the vehicles are at 1/43 scale, but the 1/8 is currently very popular. The average time to create a model is five to six months, but in case of an urgent request from a manufacturer for an event, we can make cars in three months.
How do you work directly with car manufacturers?
They send us car details and designs before they're released to the public and the press. We work with confidential 3D files and technical information-without even having photos-of a car that doesn't exist yet or is only in prototype form. We must work together with the manufacturer in order to adjust the details up to the last minute.