Track by track
How many people work in the Spark team?
We have 1,200 people spread across three production sites in China, including 700 in Zhuhai. We have distribution offices in Japan, Germany and the South of France.
Who are your main customers?
Car manufacturers, racing teams, or sponsors who need miniatures for presentations, promotional items or gifts. We don't really have a dominant customer, though. I never wanted to have a customer that exceeds more than 20 percent of our turnover.
What's the next step for Spark?
We're trying to develop a range for children and have created a mascot named Sparky! Because today a car miniature alone doesn't interest children anymore, Sparky's mission is to be our brand ambassador by transmitting our automobile passions to the youngest generation. Thanks to new communication technologies such as apps, the idea is to propose a new product that's no longer just a miniature, but a didactic item with a short story that features interesting information about automobiles for young people.