Web Traffic 2.0
Date: Dec 14-16 - 2 pm/7:30pm
Venue: Shanghai International Dance Center
Cut-in from the widely known female anchor, Web Traffic touches the economy of the live broadcast and its performance mechanism through a combination of Dance Theater, multimedia projection, and live broadcast. In Web Traffic, female anchor Liu Xiaoliang and her team struggle in the industry chain of the live broadcast in shuffle period. She and her team seek for rules of the game and search for identity. Web Traffic also reveals that the audiences and the actors are wandering between reality and illusion in the process of acquiring a sense of belonging and self-realization in this particular subculture exchange ecology. In Web Traffic, the female anchor Liu Xiaoliang is performed by Jiang Fan, who sometimes plays silly live broadcast through the huge mobile phone screen hanging on the stage, sometimes shows the unknown living state of female anchors through exaggerated dancing, and sometimes tells her thoughts to the audience like a lonely girl. The audiences would sit on the stage and closely interact with the actors. They are both the audiences for the performance and the realistic spectators.