Fearing more riots, France to close Eiffel Tower, Louvre, at weekend
Philippe said the state would do all it could to maintain order. Six first division football matches have been cancelled.
Authorities in Paris ordered dozens of museums, tourism sites, shops and restaurants to close on Saturday, including the Eiffel Tower and Louvre.
Local officials in 15 areas around the capital were also asked to remove anything in the streets that could be used as projectiles.
"We are facing people who are not here to protest, but to smash and we want to have the means to not give them a free rein," Philippe told TF1 television's evening news programme.
As well as increased police numbers, twelve armoured vehicles belonging to the gendarmerie would be used, the first time in a French city since 2005 when riots broke out in the capital's suburbs.
There is concern about far-right, anarchist and anti-capitalist groups like the Black Bloc, which have piggybacked off the 'yellow vest' movement.
The government is also considering using troops currently deployed on anti-terrorism patrols to protect public buildings.
Other towns across the country, including Bordeaux, ordered pre-emptive measures over concerns that protesters may opt to rally regionally rather than face tightened security in Paris.
On Facebook and across social media, protesters called for "Act IV".
"France is fed up!! We will be there in bigger numbers, stronger, standing up for French people. Meet in Paris on Dec 8," read one group's banner.