Unusual but true: New miniature from Dinky Doors hits Downing Street
In stories this week, we have new miniature from Dinky Doors, a woman marrying her duvet, a world record for the largest serving of mango sticky rice, the world’s first-ever beer spa, people turning boiling water into freezing air, and Britain's oldest ballerina with highest accolade.
All the odd and interesting anecdotes from around the world are here in our news review.
New miniature from Dinky Doors appears in Downing Street
Anonymous Banksy art collective Dinky Doors has been installing miniature gateways around London in hidden locations over recent months, and the latest creation in Cambridge is a miniature version of the front door of 10 Downing Street.
The artist is offering an 'imaginary doorway' into new worlds which eagle-eyed visitors to Cambridge may notice when they are walking through the city centre's busy streets.
Different tiny gateways around Cambridge include the Reality Checker on Parker’s Piece and the Teleport-O-Matic machine in the Market Square.