Boyy meets girl
Despite the move to Milan, Boyy was still based in Bangkok at the time of print. "We are renovating what will be our permanent showroom/apartment in Milan. It's an incredible space," says Dorsey. Abundant with design history, the ground floor of the structure was boldly renovated in 1972 by Vittoriano Viganò, Italy's most luminous brutalist architect, and the space has remained untouched since, capturing a living snapshot into an incredible era. The structure also boasts a huge private garden curated by Pietro Porcinai, one of Italy's landscape design legends. "When I first saw the space, my jaw dropped," enthuses Dorsey, who spent seven months closing the deal to acquire the space. "It was instant love."
While Dorsey and Kongman continue to broaden their horizons, there's a ton of affiliations to keep them occupied. "We're exer-cising the world of pop-ups and exclusives," says Dorsey. "We've been bombarded with requests and are carefully curating the options, along with doing our own pop-up." He explains that even though the quantities may be small and exclusive, each project requires almost equal energy and manpower as a regular season collection. It's a lot of work, but it's clearly worth it – much like the Boyy effect