Working hard or overworking?
Editor's note: Whether people are overworked recently made headlines when several internet company bosses said the only way for employees to achieve success is through harder work and longer hours. This is commonplace in some high-tech and internet companies, but does time spent working always mean working hard? Forum readers share their opinions.
ceciliazhang (China)
Some people think working overtime means you’re a hard worker. You have to sacrifice your personal time to stay at work, produce something, help the company, and be a more dedicated employee. But is that right? Working too many hours only means you are inefficient. This means it takes you longer to produce something than someone else.
A good manager knows how to encourage his employees to work to their full potential instead of expect them to work late even if they didn't have something to do. People who stay in their office until late resent their jobs and it affects their performance, as well as other aspects of their life.