Fans Marvel at epic Avengers climax
A Boston native born in 1973, Feige has focused on producing comic-adapted films for years, becoming the head honcho at Marvel Studios in 2007. The hits he has produced have a combined worldwide box-office gross earnings of over $22 billion.
Yet, the top decision-maker who can decide the fate of every superhero still clearly remembers his start as an associate producer on X-Men back in 2000.
"I remember very distinctly walking into the director's trailer and seeing all of the X-Men in costume for the first time. They were standing there. In real life. It was a really amazing moment," he recalls.
"Really, we love the characters and we love the emotional stories between the characters. Endgame is by far the most emotional, heartfelt movie that we've ever made," he says.
His words were echoed by the Russo brothers, who believe the key formula to lay the foundations of a Marvel blockbuster is to make every superhero relatable.