High adventure on the plateau
Princess Wencheng Temple
Sutras are also carved into the rock of the cliff that hosts the Princess Wenchang Temple-a small compound that plays a big role in local history.
Qinghai's oldest Buddhist temple is dedicated to Wencheng's month-long stay in Yushu as she traveled from today's Xi'an, Shaanxi province, to Lhasa in the seventh century. The royal is particularly venerated for converting her husband, Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo, to Buddhism.
Countless prayer flags cocoon the mountain and span the gorge like a massive multicolored spider web. Monks chant scriptures in a cave halfway up the cliff.
Upon entering the main courtyard beneath, visitors scoop water sanctified for Buddha in cupped hands and use it to wash their hair. The buildings display statues of Songtsen Gampo and the Buddha of primordial wisdom, Nampa Namse, as well as precious stones, sacred seashells and ancient artworks.