Breastfeeding not advised for COVID-19-infected lactating women
Lactating women diagnosed with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are advised not to breastfeed their infants, a Chinese obstetrician said Sunday at a press conference.
According to the current available data, no novel coronavirus nucleic acid has been detected in the breast milk of infected puerperae, said Zhao Yangyu with Beijing-based Peking University Third Hospital.
However, it is still too early to give a clear answer on whether mothers with COVID-19 carry the virus in their breast milk due to the limited cases reported to date, Zhao noted.
In addition, there may also be a risk of contact transmission during breastfeeding, Zhao said, advising lactating women with confirmed COVID-19 infections to feed their infants with formula or other food instead of mother's milk.
Infected women can start breastfeeding after recovery, the obstetrician noted.