Ding-ding dreams
Whether it's the special Memorigin Tramways 115th Anniversary watch, a key holder, a silver pendant, gin, underwear or an Octopus card holder, this unique collection (with prices of items varying from HK$15 to HK$44,800, $2 to $5,773) has something for everyone. "We are a Hong Kong brand representing the spirit of Hong Kong. This is why we work with local suppliers," says Nixon Cheung, sales manager in charge of brand development."The illustrations on the gin bottles were made by Hong Kong artists and the gin is made locally. We even asked a local confectioner to create ding-ding sweets just for us! We also have socks for babies in order to spark interest in trams from an early age."
Babies who, as they grow up, will undoubtedly pretend to be a driver and shout "ding-ding" with their radio-controlled tramway circuit, which is the latest addition to the collection. It's a box containing rails, a stop sign and a 1/73 scale car that's true to life. Hong Kong's unending love for this unique mode of transportation seems ready to continue for the next 115 years.
Read more: cdlifestylepremium.com