2020 WAIC Summit Online opens in Shanghai
2020 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) Summit Online opened at Golden Hall of Shanghai Expo Center on July 9, according to World Artificial Intelligence Conference Committee Office.
The opening ceremony consisted of five parts and lasted for 2 hours and a half. Elon Musk, Jack Ma, Pony Ma, Robin Li, Zhang Wenhong and other guests participated in the opening ceremony of the summit featured by high-tech and interaction. The conference is of epoch-making significance.
The opening ceremony was rich in content and extremely wonderful. At the conference, the holographic projection of real persons and the first AI-chorused MV were displayed, providing the guests with the first real-time 3D cloud experience and the first 3D virtual cloud exhibition.
Seven winners of Turing Award, the highest and most famous award in the field of computer science and deemed as the "Nobel Prize" in this field, attended this conference. Four of them delivered keynote speeches.
Besides, the first AI-chorused MV in the world was released at the opening ceremony. Four virtual singers: Xiaoice from Microsoft, DuerOS from Baidu, Mi Ai from Mi and Lingyuan from Bilibili brought the song Smart Home, showing the charm of AI.
Audience can participate remotely by logging in the website of the conference. Any registered person can comment, give a "like" and obtain "AI Energy" on a real-time basis to redeem various gifts online, such as Huawei P40 pro, iFlytek Smart Notebook, Alibaba Tmall Genie, UBTECH Alpha-Mini, Meituan Cycling Card, translation devices and exquisite souvenirs.
At the same time, audience can watch the conference through online streaming platforms cooperating with WAIC, including xuexi.cn, XINHUANET.com, CCTV News, people.cn, CCTV.com, ifeng.com, Shanghai Observer, eastday.com, yicai.com, thepaper.cn, Bilibili, Tik Tok, Ximalaya and Zhihu.