Ambassador Liu Xiaoming Delivers A Keynote Speech and Answers Questions at the Webinar with UK Think Tanks On China-Europe Relations
Joel Kibazo from African Development Bank: My question to you is that Africa is going to experience the deepest recession in 25 years. Will China, which holds a third or Africa's total external debt, be prepared to help as we go forward into what is really an unprecedented crisis?
Ambassador Liu: Yes. China sees Africa as a good brother and good partner. I've been posted twice in Africa. I have a very strong feeling for African countries. We attach great importance to our relations with the African countries. China pushed for and joined the exemption of debts for the poorest African countries within the framework of G20. During the latest World Health Assembly, President Xi Jinping announced, as one of the five measures, that China will do more to exempt the debt for African countries. In addition, China has sent many medical teams to help them fight COVID-19. We have provided them with PPEs and other most needed supplies. We have also shared experience with them. Even at the Chinese Embassy here, I worked with a British think tank to do that.
David Marsh: In terms of the writing off of debts, is it possible that China would join the Paris Club, in order to give a more formal way of rescheduling or writing off debts to the poorest countries? Is that something that China could do?
Ambassador Liu: China has joined many multilateral arrangements. I think we've done more on bilateral basis between African countries and China. We think that is more effective and more direct.