Call of the ocean
Every Hongkonger's favorite playground is back in action after its temporary two-month closure. The newly reinvigorated Ocean Park allows visitors to chill out and get closer to nature with a series of exclusive offers and new outdoor initiatives, while also ensuring strict anti-pandemic measures are in place to protect their health.
"Our team did not slow down in the rethink of the park's future and direction," says chairman Lau Ming-wai. "We have taken the chance to conduct a broad engagement and edutainment programme, and to curate new experiences for our visitors."
To entice Hong Kong residents with a welcome-back sweetener, there's a new Unlimited Entry Pass offer at HK$498 (valid from October 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021), as well as a 35% discount on admission tickets at HK$320. Conscious of staycations as the big trend of 2020, the park has also responded accordingly. "With the Green Staycation set to be launched this October, we are inviting visitors to rediscover Ocean Park's uniqueness through a series of activities ranging from yoga to hiking, which will advocate eco-conservation and well-being," says Lau.