Social insurance covering more HK, Macao people in Guangzhou
A total of 8,757 people from the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions had joined the endowment insurance for urban working residents in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, by February.
Among them, 4,681 had received payments from such insurance, said Chen Min, deputy director of the human resources and social security bureau of Guangzhou, at a news conference on Wednesday.
A total of 8,000 people from Hong Kong and Macao had joined unemployment insurance and 7,783 from these two SARs joined work-related injury insurance in Guangzhou city.
A total of 17,310 local social security cards had been issued to people from Hong Kong and Macao.
His bureau has supported qualified residents from the SARs living or working in Guangzhou to join the local social insurance system, he said.
The bureau has deepened the cooperation with its counterparts in Hong Kong and Macao in the training of skilled workers and provided support to youths from the SARs in their employment and setting up businesses in Guangzhou.
It has also optimized talent-related policies, with 26 doctors, 63 tour guides, five architects, 31 teachers and 83 lawyers from Hong Kong and Macao certified or working in Guangzhou. And 177 people from the SARs have received green cards for talent in the city.