From readers: 'Patriots administering Hong Kong' justified
Loving the country comes first, followed by loving Hong Kong. As you all know, HK is a special administrative region of China. If you don't love your motherland, how could you love HK? The love for your motherland and HK are inextricable.
If you look around the world, you'll find that leaders at all levels first speak of love for their country before the regions they govern. Trying separate these two loves makes no sense.
While I've never been to HK, I've learned lot about it by watching many HK TV series or dramas broadcast on the local television station. Why do I love these shows so deeply? Because they focus on a place that's also a part of my country.
So the whole idea of "patriots governing HK" makes perfect sense to me. Only those who truly love a place could provide the best leadership. Otherwise, how could you guarantee good governance?