Lost and found, thanks to society and science
Guo Gangtang, who moved heaven and earth searching for his lost son for 24 long years, was finally reunited with him on Sunday. Guo's ordeal had caught national attention and was even been made into a film, Lost and Love, starring Andy Lau from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Anybody who has watched the film will be moved by Guo's story. For 24 years, Guo crisscrossed the country, using 10 motorcycles in the process, looking for his son. The film was a big hit, highlighting Guo's plight, which got him more attention and help.
Soon a truck began following Guo when he rode his motorcycle at night to light up the road ahead for him. Whenever he was hungry, many people came forward to offer him food.
He was interviewed by many and got many clues during his interaction with people. Guo himself began helping others who had lost their children. Families whose children had been kidnapped shared information with him, and he helped many of them find their lost children. He even set up a website to help such families.
The Ministry of Public Security announced at a news conference on Tuesday that they had found 2,609 lost children since 2020. Guo's son was among them. Another "child" who was found had been separated from his family 61 years ago.
Guo's mission would not have been successful without the joint efforts of the people. Scientists helped identify the children by conducting DNA tests.
Police helped by continuing to search for them even after decades. Volunteers helped by printing information about lost children on bottles and packages while others helped by making generous donations.
Thanks to the joint efforts of society, a day might come when no children are kidnapped. We hope that day arrives sooner than later.