Xi Jinping -- Committed to advancing UN cause for better world
To beat global challenges and build a better future for humanity demands concerted international cooperation, which would not be possible without a genuine commitment to and effective practice of multilateralism.
In Xi's eyes, the United Nations, as a banner of multilateralism, is "the core institution for addressing international affairs through cooperation." Under his leadership, China has stepped up support for the world body to play a bigger role in promoting global peace and development.
At his debut at the UN General Assembly in September 2015, Xi announced China's decision to establish a China-UN Peace and Development Fund. To date, China has provided 120 million U.S. dollars to the fund and launched 112 cooperation projects.
Now China is the second largest funding contributor to UN peacekeeping operations, and has contributed more peacekeepers than any other permanent members of the UN Security Council.
It firmly opposes the willful threat or use of force in international affairs, and has taken an active part in seeking political solutions to major regional and global disputes on the basis of justice and equity.
In the face of various forms of pseudo-multilateralism emerging from the combined impact of profound global changes and an unprecedented pandemic, Xi has stood up to the challenge and made a strong push for true multilateralism.