US "summit for democracy" reveals hegemonic intentions
Editor's note: From Dec 9-10, US President Joe Biden will host more than 100 global leaders at the virtual Summit of Democracies. Not surprisingly, China and Russia, which have their own democratic practices instead of following the American way, are not on the invitation list. The world is once again in dire danger of being split as the United States is drawing a line between "us" and "them" with great fanfare by putting together a so-called "democracy summit." What is the aim of President Biden's Democracy Summit? What is the key to democracy? China Daily readers share their opinions.
Martin Zeman(US citizen living in China)
For the West, "democracy" is a religion and people will follow that religion blindly to their graves. China's rise has put paid to this idea that liberal democracy is the best form of government.
This represents a massive ideological blow to the West, and the people in the West don't know how to respond. It's kinda like the pastor or the cleric finding out you don't need his stupid religion to stay happy and be productive. It's a shock!
So, every once in a while, you end up with these sorts of shenanigans -- the "Democracy Summit", AUKUS, QUAD etc. are just some examples.
These are nothing more than grandstanding gestures. They lack much substance in the wider picture and there's no need to take them seriously.