How-to China: Magic grass spreads prosperity and peace overseas
Q: Promotion of this technique is part of the Belt and Road Initiative. In recent years, some countries have labeled it as "debt-trap diplomacy". Since you have firsthand experience under the initiative, do the accusations make sense?
Lin: There was never any debt trapping or conspiracy.
We just wanted to help local people increase their incomes, improve the ecological environment there and help people live better lives.
Local people welcomed us and local governments were also very supportive.
About the interviewee
Dubbed "father of the Juncao grass", Lin Zhanxi is the chief scientist at the China National Engineering Research Center of Juncao Technology. Lin invented the Juncao technology in 1986.
The technology has been promoted to 106 countries across the world. The technology won the Geneva State Prize at the 20th International Invention Exhibition in 1992.
In 1994, the technology was listed by the United Nations Development Program as one of China's priority projects for cooperation with other developing countries.
Reporters: Ian Goodrum, Hu Meidong, Jiang Wei, Chen Ziyan and Ma Chi
Editors: Shan Juan and Wang Jianfen