Colombia celebrates Chinese Language Day
The Chinese Cultural Week and Chinese Language Day were celebrated both online and offline at Superior School of Public Administration from April 25 to 29 in Bogotá, Colombia.
The celebration saw Chinese cultural performances that included a dragon and lion dance and Chinese calligraphy. During the event, the Utadeo Confucius Institute introduced its scholarship to Colombian university students.
Chinese ambassador Lan Hu delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He said that as one of the official languages at the United Nations, the Chinese language is becoming more and more attractive to learn for international friends. Through the study, they got to know the hard-working, friendly and inclusive spirit of the Chinese culture and nation. The Chinese Language Day offers a platform to promote and deepen the cultural exchanges between China and Colombia.
Former president of Colombia, Ernesto Samper Pizano, greeted the Chinese Language Day.
"We must understand that language is not just a way of speaking, but also a cultural expression, rooted in the history of our forebears, which reflects the relationship we have with other peoples. More young Colombians and Chinese people are establishing increased ties", he said.