Journey into the unknown is cycle of discovery
In addition to biking for her own passion and curiosity, Holstein also linked her ride to raise money for charity. Holstein often said that China has given her so much support, the least she could do is to support China, too. Over her journey, Holstein raised 22,000 yuan for the United Foundation for China's Health, which provides and facilitates medical care to orphans, migrants, abused woman, and anyone else in need of care in China.
Holstein's connection with China started when she was only 5, when she started learning Chinese at her local public elementary school. Her first visit to China was in 2009, after her visit she remarked,"I love the people and the culture so much, and I have always felt like China has been a second home." Before starting to work in China, Holstein was a study-abroad student for several years at local Beijing schools, including a local high school and Peking University.
To listen to more about her inspiring story, watch her episode of My China Surprise by scanning the code.