Rural teacher in Jilin a model of service
Upon getting the news, Zhuang applied for the position in Xiangyang and became the only teacher at the school.
At that time, Zhuang had moved to the township but lived 18 kilometers from the school.
Lacking public transportation, Zhuang had to ride to work by motorcycle every day, regardless of weather.
"The mountain path was quite steep and it took me at least an hour for a single trip," he said. "I can't remember how many times I fell with the motorcycle and got injured. But there was no other choice — the children were my responsibility."
After the Xiangyang village school was closed in 2017, Zhuang and his students were integrated into the township's central primary school.
"The teaching environment has greatly improved and I have more time and energy for my work," he said. "I'm glad to see that my students can study in a large, bright classroom, enjoying their wonderful study time."
Over the years, Zhuang has won many honors for his work. He was named a National Model of Learning from Lei Feng. He was also named the most beautiful teacher of Linjiang and an excellent rural teacher in the city.