Experts views on China-US relations
China-US relations
Decoupling is risky for China-US ties
During these times of international tensions, those who support decoupling between the East and West, between the US and China, add fuel to these international tensions.
The US government discusses, and even European government in Brussels discussed the possibility of decoupling, de-risking with China. But the companies inside the United States actually understand that they would be the ones who will be damaged most. Just like the European companies in Germany and the Netherlands. They are the losers of these geopolitical tensions. So I think that these international tensions are not just between the US and China, but the tension is also between US companies and the US government.
I see China's efforts to welcome American CEOs to Beijing, open the door for investment and keep the relationship at not only government-to-government but also government-to-business.
Decoupling will not stop the development of China, which is also something that no one would really want to see. Because we do want to see a prosperous China. We do want to have a big market for our exports product. So it is also in our own interest to make sure that China's economy is stable and prosperous.
Michele Geraci, former undersecretary of State at the Italian Ministry of Economic Development
The views don't necessarily represent those of China Daily.