Global experts witness high-quality development in Xizang
During a train ride from Lhasa to Shigatse, a group of experts shared their impressions of Xizang and marveled at the region's high-quality development.
The delegation consisting of academics and media professionals from various countries, including France, Sweden, South Africa, and India, recently visited Xizang autonomous region in China.
"It's obvious that the Chinese government is making a huge effort for the infrastructure in Xizang, " said Jean Pregouret, president of Saphir Eurasia Promotion, as he gazed atthe bridge whizzing past outside the window.
"The high-rise buildings with modern facilities and roads, the kind of development on roads that we saw here is really impressive with smart facilities," said Gyanendra Kumar Keshri, Special Correspondent at Deccan Herald.
"All these things are not very common in at least the cities which are located in the Himalayas, from Indian side of cities I have witnessed so many. When you have the will power and proper planning, what is happening in newer areas is really impressive," Keshri added.
"When you read some of the international human rights instruments, the rights to development is actually now a human right," said Lloyd Kuveya, assistant director of the Center for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Kuveya expressed his surprise at the level of development in Xizang, as he had previously assumed that Xizang would not be as well developed.