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Xiamen FTZ leads flourishing development of IC industry

ftz.xm.gov.cn|Updated: October 22, 2024

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The national-level "Xinhuo" innovation and entrepreneurship base in Xiamen FTZ. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]

For more than four years, the Xiamen Free Trade Zone has been leading the flourishing development of the integrated circuit (IC) industry. Following a "platform + base" development model, the Xiamen FTZ fully leverages its institutional innovation advantages and has formed an industrial cluster in the Gaoqi Industrial Zone, with IC design enterprises as the main focus.

To date, the Gaoqi Industrial Zone in the Xiamen FTZ has attracted over 200 IC enterprises. Its total output value has increased from 930 million yuan ($130 million) in 2019 to 2.21 billion yuan in 2023, signaling the rapid rise of an IC industry hub.

Longxiang Xinrui (Xiamen) Technology Co Ltd was one of the first enterprises to set up operations in the Gaoqi Industrial Zone. Wang Tenglong, the company's chairman, stated that the Xiamen FTZ has provided strong support for the company's development. Since setting up operations in the zone, the company has benefited from various supportive policies such as talent policies, rent subsidies, and wafer subsidies.

For IC enterprises, the large initial capital investment is a major obstacle to development. Xiamen Yixinyuan Semiconductor Technology Co Ltd has benefited from various preferential policies provided by the Xiamen FTZ in areas such as tax incentives and R&D bonded zones. 

Li Jinghu, president of the company, said, "Whether it's a start-up or a growing enterprise, different stages receive different services and support, greatly reducing the burden on enterprises and enhancing their sense of achievement."

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