State Grid Zhejiang Lishui Power Supply Company eases charging for new energy vehicle owners
On Oct 21, staff members from the State Grid Zhejiang Lishui Power Supply Company performed a detailed inspection to confirm whether the charging pile in Longyang town, Suichang county, Lishui, Zhejiang province, was working correctly.
The newly commissioned AC charging pile boosts a small carbon footprint, high charging efficiency and easy installation. To charge their vehicles, customers can scan the QR code and pay via a mobile app. A man surnamed Cheng who was the first to experience charging on his doorstep, praised the convenience brought by the newly installed charging pile.
Currently, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in the rural areas of China is relatively low, leading to driver anxiety. However, in recent years, the number of new energy vehicles in Lishui has increased significantly. To meet the growing demand for charging of new energy vehicles, the State Grid Zhejiang Lishui Power Supply Company has accelerated the construction of public charging infrastructure. So far, nearly 400 sites with more than 2,000 charging piles have been built by the company.
To ensure that new energy vehicle owners can charge with ease, the State Grid Zhejiang Lishui Power Supply Company has placed great importance on the operation and maintenance of charging piles. Combined with a big data platform for management, in addition to regular inspections, special inspections of charging equipment are conducted before major holidays to improve the efficiency and availability of charging piles, providing car owners with safer and more reliable charging services.