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Let's have more 'Days' for joy, economic growth

By Siva Sankar (China Daily) Updated: 2016-08-17 08:03

Let's have more 'Days' for joy, economic growth

Vendors sell roses during the traditional Chinese festival of Qixi, or the Chinese Valentine's Day, last Tuesday in Jinan, capital of Shandong province. YI SHENG/FOR CHINA DAILY

Reports on love-filled, business-boosting celebrations of Qixi, the Chinese Valentine's Day, last Tuesday, gladdened my heart.

Not because pictures of octogenarian Chinese couples celebrating Qixi in their decades-old wedding finery gave me - I'm a single and, yes, happy guy - fresh impetus to stay optimistic, but because as a business journalist, I could discern the enormous impact such days would have on economic activity.

Qixi-related sales of online and offline businesses surged. Flowers, chocolates, cakes, wines, jewelry, travel packages, apparel, fashion, food and beverages at restaurants, cinema tickets, greeting cards, smartphone gifts, decoration materials for use in malls, relationship advisory services, wedding proposal planning services ... all sold like hot cakes.

At my workplace, I was pleased to see a pretty, young female colleague flaunt an expensive white-and-yellow rose bouquet, complete with a couple of teddies - a gift from her boyfriend. In addition, she ordered a bunch of magenta roses online for herself.

Our conversation inspired my new colleague, a US economics professor, 60-going-on-30, to scurry to the nearest florist and buy a 100 yuan ($15) bouquet for his beloved Chinese wife.

I'm all for more such "days". Yes, we have Children's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Women's Day, Daughters' Day, Valentine's Day, Singles Day, Couples Day, Friendship Day, Teacher's Day ... all of which are now fair game for commerce.

But, we need more - This Day, That Day, Whatever Day. Let me propound a theory on how Days will boost the global economy.

Love in the time of Olympics has shown that people are increasingly turning self-centric, which is a good thing, economy-wise. Hail the narcissistic "selfie era"!

Mobile-cams, and the content they help create, have made ordinary people stars of their own lives. No more are people obsessed with celebrities, super-achievers, leaders and external events in a way that diminishes their own self-worth.

In practical terms, this newfound confidence translates into an ability to focus on one's own priorities first. The world must wait, thank you.

"Oh, our compatriots have won Olympic golds? Wonderful. But first, let's kiss, go have a sumptuous dinner, buy that Swarovski bracelet at the mall and watch a movie at the cinema, shall we?"

So, here's my proposal:

Colleagues Day: Arguably, you spend more of your waking time with your colleagues than spouse, children, parents, relatives or friends. So, once in a year, it would be good to treat each other well.

Potential beneficiaries: Bakeries, restaurants, cafes, florists, cinemas, e-commerce firms.

Boss' Day: Let's face it - boss is the most important person in your life, more important than the spouse/sweetheart. No need to argue or belabor this truth. A harmonious boss-subordinate relationship could transform organizations, bureaucracies, governments, monarch-led democracies, what have you.

Potential beneficiaries: Same as above, plus pen-makers, tie-makers, diary-producers, footwear firms.

Delivery Man's Day: Like it or not, he is key to your happiness. Without him, all the goodies you buy online for dirt cheap wouldn't reach you promptly. You'd better know and treat him/them well. Establish rapport, gift him something. Else, you'll likely end up pulling your hair apart over delayed deliveries.

Potential beneficiaries: Yourself, e-commerce firms and the whole universe. Seriously, I'm not joking. If you're happy because of prompt deliveries, you'll continue to support e-commerce, which has a finger in every economic pie and a bearing on billions of lives. If e-commerce firms succeed, it'd mean the universe is well and safe.

Helps' Day: Pay attention to the domestic maids without whom your home systems will fall apart, potentially jeopardizing your day's schedule. Similarly, learn to love the office support staff - those kind, smiling, silent and humble people who remove rubbish, wipe your desk, dust your PC screen and clean your chair, enabling you to produce your peak performance day after day.

Potential beneficiaries: All offices. A pleasant organization boosts productivity.

Pet's Day: Adopt a stray, or buy a pet. Research has shown pets can be great stress-busters, and help you to cultivate compassion.

Potential beneficiaries: The pet-related industry, which is worth billions of dollars already, and employs hundreds of thousands of people, part of the larger economic system. Each part needs to be sustained and nourished in this age of interrelatedness.

Perhaps, we could also found Grandparents' Day, Doctor's Day, Dentist' s Day, Neighbor's Day ...?

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