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Flag of Peace painting exhibition held in Beijing

Updated: 2014-10-28 06:55 (Chinaculture.org)

Flag of Peace painting exhibition held in Beijing

Children draw their hopes on the “flag of peace” at the opening ceremony of the 6th World Children Calling for Peace Flag Painting Exhibition, Flag of Peace, in Beijing on Oct 25, 2014. [Photo by Liu Fang/Chinaculture.org]


The 6th World Children Calling for Peace Flag Painting Exhibition,Flag of Peace, was held in Beijing on Oct 25, 2014.

The paintings on exhibit were made by children and youths under 18 years old from all over the world. The works illustrate their hopes and expectations for a peaceful life, calling on adults from across the world and governments of all countries to spread the concept of building a harmonious and peaceful world.

More than 300 children from home and abroad gathered for the opening ceremony at the China National Children Center to display their messages to the whole world, and provide inspiration for peace by painting, singing and playing games. Six children from China, the United States, Republic of Korea and Slovakia read their Peace Declaration on behalf of all children, which will be handed to Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, together with a big “flag of peace” painted by children at the ceremony. The flag will be exhibited in the hall of the United Nations’ headquarters.

In its sixth session, the biannual painting exhibition was jointly held by the China International Culture Association, the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament, the Chinese Children's Culture and Art Promotion Association, UN institutions in China and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.

According to Shi Jiandong, assistant to the secretary general of the China International Culture Association, the exhibition was held to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child issued by the UN, with the aim “All for children, for all children, for everything of children.”

Patrick Haverman, deputy director of the United Nations Development Programme, addressed the opening ceremony and said that children have been and always will be our future. Haverman quoted Mahatma Gandhi: “If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”

“The enjoyment of colors is their common bond and language. And this common language and expression are much stronger than words,” Haverman said.

Fan Chongyan, the honorary president of the China Association for Promoting Children’s Culture and Art, and chairwoman of the exhibition’s organizing committee, called for a peaceful world for children, where there is no famine, no fear of violence and no war.

“Adults of all governments who make the decisions of the world, did you see children’s aspirations? Did you hear their voices? Please help our children!”

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