

'Black UFOs' In Fujian Mountains

Updated: 2007-05-16 08:54

Fuyu Building - the Five Phoenix Building

Built in 1880 and modeled on the palace architectural style, the building covers an area of 7,000 sq m. High in the front and low at the back, it's dotted with elegant upturned eaves which look like five flying phoenixes. It's now a key cultural heritage building under state protection.

Chengqi Building - the king of round buildings

Dating back 300 years, this is the biggest round earth building in Yongding County and follows a classical design with a large central hall. Like a city with many ring roads, the four-storied Chengqi Building has four rings of 400 rooms. The population of the building once reached over 600. Nearly 100 families lived and worked together in the building and formed a history of the development of the Hakkas settlers in Yongding. This building is much admired by Chinese and foreign tourists. The entrance fee is 30 yuan.

Yuchang Building - a punch-drunk building

Yuchang Building is located in Xiaban Village and despite its unusual construction style it has weathered 600 years. The supporting pillars are on angles of up to 15 degrees and look as if they'll collapse any moment. The entrance fee is 5 yuan.

Hegui Building

Located in Meilin Village, Hegui Building is a key cultural heritage structure under state protection. The building cost 15,000 liang or 75 kg of silver when it was constructed in 1732. Now more than 100 people live here.

Tianluokeng Earth Building Cluster

Located in Shuyang town, this is the most spectacular scenic spot, consisting mainly of one rectangular, one semi-circular and three round buildings, with some less prominent oval-shaped buildings. Tianluokeng village is the only state historical cultural village in Fujian Province. The entrance fee is 20 yuan.

Hekeng Earth Building Cluster

Located in Hekeng village in Shuyang town, this extremely extensive and impressive group consists of 27 earth buildings.

Eryi Building -- the king of earth buildings

Located in Dadi Village which is known for its agreeable environment, the Eryi Building was built in 1770 and has a diameter of 71.2 m. This building is also a key cultural heritage structure under state protection.
