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第十一章 最后條款
第五十七條 簽署和保存
Article 57 Signature and Deposit
1. This Agreement, deposited with the Government of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter called the “Depository”), shall remain open until December 31, 2015 for signature by the Governments of countries whose names are set forth in Schedule A.
2. The Depository shall send certified copies of this Agreement to all the Signatories and other countries which become members of the Bank.
第五十八條 批準、接受或核準
Article 58 Ratification, Acceptance or Approval
1. This Agreement shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the Signatories. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Depository not later than December 31, 2016, or if necessary, until such later date as may be decided by the Board of Governors by a Special Majority vote as provided in Article 28. The Depository shall duly notify the other Signatories of each deposit and the date thereof.
2. A Signatory whose instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval is deposited before the date on which this Agreement enters into force, shall become a member of the Bank, on that date. Any other Signatory which complies with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, shall become a member of the Bank on the date on which its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval is deposited.
第五十九條 生效
Article 59 Entry into Force
This Agreement shall enter into force when instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval have been deposited by at least ten (10) Signatories whose initial subscriptions, as set forth in Schedule A to this Agreement, in the aggregate comprise not less than fifty (50) per cent of total of such subscriptions.
第六十條 首次會議和開業(yè)
Article 60 Inaugural Meeting and Commencement of Operations
1. As soon as this Agreement enters into force, each member shall appoint a Governor, and the Depository shall call the inaugural meeting of the Board of Governors.
2. At its inaugural meeting, the Board of Governors:
(i) shall elect the President;
(ii) shall elect the Directors of the Bank in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 25, provided that the Board of Governors may decide to elect fewer Directors for an initial period shorter than two years in consideration of the number of members and Signatories which have not yet become members;
(iii) shall make arrangements for the determination of the date on which the Bank shall commence its operations; and
(iv) shall make such other arrangements as necessary to prepare for the commencement of the Bank’s operations.
3. The Bank shall notify its members of the date of the commencement of its operations.
DONE at Beijing, People’s Republic of China on June 29, 2015, in a single original deposited in the archives of the Depository, whose English, Chinese and French texts are equally authentic.
上一篇 : 2015上半年網(wǎng)絡(luò)流行語(雙語)
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