This athlete is getting ready to fly.
From zero to almost 40km/h in less than 10 seconds! THIS is power.
Hi, I'm Dr Greg Wells. Olympic sprinters are truly unique athletes. To win the sprint, they morph their muscles to attain superhuman speed. We all have two kinds of muscle fibres: Slow Twitch fibres give you endurance for that light morning jog. And Fast Twitch fibres give you short bursts of intense energy. You and I have equal amounts of both. But Olympic sprinters turn their muscles into 80% Fast Twitch fibres. Fast Twitch fibres burn energy four times quicker than Slow Twitch.
Here's another reason. Olympic sprinters can hit those speeds: Neurotransmitters. They shoot signals across nerve synapses, telling our muscles to run fast. Sprinters train their bodies to increase the number of neurotransmitters which then broadcast more signals to the muscle.
Another challenge for sprinters? To spark all those fibres at once. This is critical, because of the less than 10 seconds that it takes to run the 100 metres, they're only in contact with the ground for less than four! So for most of the race, they're soaring in mid-air...literally flying down the track! Muscle thunder...and nervous lightning. For Olympic sprinters, it's a perfect storm.
普林斯頓大學2012畢業(yè)典禮Michael Lewis演講
(Video provided by GE 編輯:Julie)