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Bengbu officials attend Yangtze River Delta Tourism and Leisure (Nanjing) Summit
Updated: 2014-06-10

In order to fully demonstrate and promote Bengbu tourist attractions, tourism products, tourist routes and the city's image, Zhang Xu, vice director of Bengbu Tourism Bureau in Anhui province recently led a delegation to the 2014 Yangtze River Delta Tourism and Leisure Summit in Nanjing, Jiangsu province.

During the summit, the delegation launched an active tourism marketing campaign from different perspectives, including Zhang Xu's presentation, and delegates’ promotions. The campaign presented the beautiful natural scenery and rich cultural heritage of Bengbu.

The summit provided a platform for Bengbu to expand its tourism market share in the Yangtze River Delta area. The participation in the summit not only strengthened the communication and exchange between Bengbu and other cities, but also greatly enhanced the Bengbu city's image.