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Over half of employees in Xiamen have part-time job experience: survey

( whatsonxiamen )

Updated: 2015-07-17

About five out of ten employees in Xiamen have worked or are working part-time jobs, and most of them are females, according to survey results released by 51job.com, a leading provider of integrated human resource services in China.

The most popular part-time jobs in Xiamen include online store assistants, purchasing agents, and private car drivers offering pick-up services. Most of the part-time workers are employees with undergraduate degrees or lower education levels. Those with working experience of less than five years are more willing to take part-time jobs.

The survey showed that workers in Xiamen have more passion for part-time jobs than workers nationwide, and the female-to-male ratio of part-time job workers is higher in Xiamen than on the national level.

The part-time workers in Xiamen differed from nationwide results as follows:

1. Female-to-male ratio of part-time workers

About 44.7 percent of respondents have worked or are working part-time jobs nationwide, and males occupy a larger proportion. About 56 percent of respondents in Xiamen showed they have worked or are working part-time jobs, and there are more female part-time workers than males.

2. Part-time job expectations

The expected part-time salary stands between 2,000 and 5,000 yuan nationwide, however, the expected part-time salary in Xiamen is less than 2,000 yuan.

3. Working hours of part-time jobs

Fifty-two percent of respondents would like to spend two to four hours daily in part-time jobs nationwide, and 60.7 percent of respondents in Xiamen would like to spend two to three hours a day.

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