Thirteen year-old Guo Xing donated his liver, two kidneys and corneas after passing away in the Pu'er People's Hospital on March 22, becoming the first human organ donor local to Pu'er city.
Witness by the Pu'er Red Cross Society and Yunnan Organ Procurement Organization (OPO), Guo Xing's parents signed on the Organ Donation Registration Form on March 21, allowing Guo's organs to be donated in the event that he died.
Guo Xing was sent to the hospital after becoming seriously injured in a traffic accident on March 18 and subsequently died on March 20 due to severe brain trauma.
According to Guo's parents, donating all of Guo Xing's healthy organs is a continuation of his life. "We choose to donate his organs because we love him and we would like his life to continue in this way," said Guo's father.
According to Zhou Zhigang, an expert from OPO, Guo Xing's organ donation will save three lives and help two people to see again.
Edited by Jacob Hooson
Copyright ?2014 City of Pu'er, Yunnan Province, China. All rights Reserveed.
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