

No house, no marriage?

Updated: 2014-05-05 07:54 ( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)

xuedongi60 (China)

In my hometown, a house in the town is necessary if a man wants to marry a woman, if the man does not have a house he must prove that he has enough money to buy a house in the town(about 240,000yuan in my hometown).But as I see it, it is tough for a man to purchase a house in the town by himself(including me).Mostly, we must depend on our parents, although our families do not have the ability to own a house, so it always happens that our parents borrow some money from relatives or they save money on food and expenses for a very long time just to enable their son to have a marriage. When I was a little boy, my parents often cut their food and clothes expenses for me and my elder brother and my younger sister. But now my family conditions have changed a lot. I love my parents and I will do my best to give them a happy life.

No house, no marriage?

No house, no marriage? No house, no marriage? No house, no marriage?
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The original post: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-958720-1-1.html

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