
Grahame Smith  Australia

Chinese people are the friendliest people I have met

The year 2015 was a great year for me as far as China is concerned. Perhaps you will say that my impressions are very much influenced by the Chinese people, as I have found many very friendly people compared to other countries. None have been more friendly than the Chinese people that I have met over the past 10 years.

        Anming          Austria

Beijing remains steady for laowai as the seasons change

In minds of many western travelers, China was and still is exotic and strange, a reverse image to the familiar Western world with its architecture, music and art. But for me, China brings me memories of familiar feelings, thousands of kilometers away from my hometown.

Jessica Ward the United States

To my Chinese love

2015 started off with a soft kiss at the stroke of midnight. Lying in bed, with my arm draped across you, wishing we both had the energy to stay up. Our late 20s spent working ourselves to the bone.

Joseph Achebe Nigeria

Five-day Beijing tour changes my thoughts on China

The five-day Beijing tour experience changed the way I think about China and the Chinese people. From CCTV I met the most wonderful people I have come across; they took my problems as theirs.

Siti Suriani Othman Malaysia

Don't make generalizations about China

Before I came to China, some of my friends predicted that I will count days to come back home. However, I chose to be positive and it finally turns out that the concept worked. Now, I am in the state of generalizing, 'I love China' because the place and the people really moved me.

Christos Flokos Athens, Greece

Falling in love with Beijing

A trip to Beijing was been a dream of mine, finally it came true in October 2015. I was very impressed by the politeness of the Chinese people. I could see it in their eyes. Beijing left me many different experiences. Part of my heart was left in China and when I come back my heart will be whole again.

Shahnawaz Akhtar India

The happiness of small things in China

Chinese are particular about taking care of small things. Since I landed in this country almost seven months ago, I noticed Chinese love cleanliness in day to day life.

Sidney Tshiaba Congo, Kinshasa

China is aiming for modernization not westernization

China is peaceful and the safest country in the world. China is becoming more open and accepting than before.Also, Chinese people are hardworking people, people work very long hours, I simply did not see a lot of laziness.

    Julia Jalo      Finland

My year in 2015:surprising and full of new experiences

My year in China has been very surprising and full of new experiences, new friends and outlooks. I also took some trips from Beijing. For example: to Fangshan and one longer trip to Huludao. I did not forget to party whenever there was something to celebrate.

Cecilia Augustino Tanzania

A Tanzanian girl’ s 20-year dream comes true

The thought of climbing the Great Wall has been on my mind for 20 years, finally it comes true in 2015. I couldn't hold back tears of joy after reaching the top of the GW. I looked at the view and the nature below us. That was the happiest day of my life.

Sean Boyce Scotland

From nothing to something: A story of salsa in Harbin

Six months in China turned out to be one of the best years in my life. I made many great friends and had some unforgettable experiences. We started from literally nothing to having our own salsa class in Harbin.

Ferdie Mostert German

Chinese people are the country's greatest asset

How can my impressions of China be anything but "overwhelmingly positive"? Many times I have come to China and I have never been disappointed, never been treated unfairly or never returned to Africa unfulfilled. Year 2015 was no exception.

María Osterloh Peru

China brought me happiness and great opportunities in 2015

I believe opportunities are where you are, and this year, China gave me many, even if I haven't personally been there yet. China is always a good idea. I think I have been more involved with this country compared with previous years, especially on three occasions.

Nishan Kafle Nepal

China, a place worth visiting and more pleasing to live in

China is a fascinating country to visit and is even more pleasing place to live. The warmth and hospitality of the Chinese people will definitely make anyone feel at home.

Michael Barrett Australia

The feeling of homecoming sweeps over me

Each time my love of the Chinese people's culture, traditions and lifestyles calls me back to learn more. My only hope is that time will not run out.
