
Opinion / From Overseas Press

UK considers gender-free passports

[2011-09-21 13:54]

Britain could introduce a third gender category to British passports allowing citizens of indeterminate sex to opt out of standard male and female identification, a Home Office official said on Monday.

Will Asia "buy up" America?

[2011-09-20 11:26]

Americans should welcome investments from Asian countries like Japan and China, which could offer a big boost to the struggling US economy, according to Michael Schuman in a commentary on the website of TIME magazine on Aug 30.

China isn't a big threat to US

[2011-09-19 10:11]

Many argue that the US is being taken over by China both militarily and economically, but it is unlikely that China can begin to pose a threat, according to Peer Nielsen in an op-ed piece in The Boston Globe on Sept 17, 2011.

Number of Americans in poverty hits record high

[2011-09-16 16:28]

Nearly one in six American people live in poverty, according to the US Census Bureau's annual report, says an article on the BBC website on Sept 14, 2011.

No free Chinese lunch for Europe

[2011-09-15 15:13]

China will not offer free lunch to put an end to the eurozone's sovereign debt and the fundamental responsibility for overcoming the crisis must and will rest with the Europeans themselves, according to an editorial piece in the Financial Times on Sept 14.

Italy asks China to buy its bonds

[2011-09-14 11:45]

Italy has asked China to make "significant" purchases of Italian debt, the Financial Times reported on its website on Monday.

Biden: China's rise doesn't mean America's demise

[2011-09-13 10:06]

China's rise doesn't spell America's demise and a successful China can make US more prosperous, according to US Vice President Joe Biden in an opinion piece in the New York Times on Sept 7, 2011.

China carrier no cause for regional alarm

[2011-09-08 13:51]

The launch of China's first aircraft carrier should not cause strategic anxieties throughout Asia. Far from posing a threat to maritime stability, China's new naval behemoth will remain vulnerable and easy to contain, according to an article on the website of The Australian on Sept 6, 2011.

Americans blame govt for 9/11

[2011-09-07 15:51]

Forty-three percent of Americans believe that US policies in the Middle East might have motivated the 9/11 terror attacks on New York and the Pentagon, according to a new poll by Pew Research Center, says an article in The Times of India on Sept 6, 2011.

Is worrying about war with China a self-fulfilling prophecy?

[2011-09-06 16:17]

The US would pay dearly if it tried to rein in China's rise, says an article on the website of Foreign Policy bimonthly magazine on Sept 2, 2011.

Time to work with China's rise

[2011-09-05 15:53]

China's rise is a fact, and the enduring peacefulness of that rise must be a priority for China, its neighbors, the West, and, most importantly, the United States, says Wenran Jiang in an op-ed piece on the website of The Diplomat magazine on Sept 3, 2011.

Yuan could replace US dollar in a decade

[2011-09-01 10:51]

Here's a bold prediction to feed Western worries that power is shifting inexorably to the East: China's yuan could overtake the US dollar as the world's principal reserve currency as soon as next decade.

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