
Booth Setup & Dismantlement


1. Dates & Time for Booth Set-up & Dismantlement

Booth Setup: Sept 12-16, 2015

- Sept 12-15: 08:30-18:00

- Sept 16: 08:30-24:00 (Halls close at 24:00 for security check)

Booth Dismantlement:

- Sept 21: 17:30-24:00

- Sept 22: 08:30-18:00

2. Regulations and Rules on Booth Setup & Dismantlement

1) The contracting company that needs to set up customer-built booths shall provide the Exhibition Administration & Customer Service Center with the materials and documents as stipulated in the China-ASEAN Expo Requirement for Customer-built Booths, along with the Safety Guarantee Note before August 25th. (Tel: +86-771-5813018, Fax: +86-771-5813130)

2) The custom-built booth project must not block or cover the lighting boxes, power boxes or telephone distribution boxes. Should it need to block the above facilities, applications should be submitted to the Exhibition Administration & Customer Service Center, and a 0.6m-wide passage must be spared for entry and exit, and a sufficient distance that enables the safe opening of these boxes must be left for the sound operation of these facilities.

3) The maximum load of the booth shall be within the bearing capacity of the exhibition halls. The vertical projection of the exhibits and the decorative articles shall not exceed your booth. The maximum height of the booth decoration is 6.5m, and those that are higher than 4.5m should be less than 2/3 of the total area of the booth (Note: the maximum height of the decorations of booths against walls in Hall 1-15 shall not exceed 4.5m).

4) Exhibitors are not allowed to dismantle, amend, destroy or deface the existing buildings or all permanent facilities without approval. The floor and walls as well as the wall panels of shell schemes may not be nailed or holed. For moving exhibits and equipment inside the exhibition halls, pushcarts with rubber or nylon wheels are requested.

5) Exhibitors may not move the in-booth facilities or electrical appliances out of their booths without approval.

6) After the conclusion of the CAEXPO, all people shall leave the exhibition halls. Upon security check, exhibitors with a valid Pass for booth dismantlement may enter the exhibition halls. (Note: During security check period, one staff member of each exhibiting company can remain at the booth to take care of exhibits. But he/she will be asked to leave the halls, if he/she doesn’t stay at his/her booth.)

7) The Exhibition Administration & Customer Service Center is the supervisor of booth construction of the CAEXPO, and will inspect and monitor the whole process of construction and punish to those who violate the rules and regulations.