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China Daily Website


Walking the Beijing waterways: Eastern route

Updated: 2013-04-30 16:48

In part five of Walking the Beijing Waterways, D J Clark starts near the international exhibition center where the Bahe river spills out into the northern moats and heads 12 km east out beyond the 5th ring road to where the river meets the second airport express way. Of all the walks this one takes him the furthest from the city center and in doing so he passes through urban and increasingly rural communities.

D J has mapped the walk here for your reference.

Related video:

Walking the Beijing waterways: Introduction

Walking the Beijing waterways: Central route

Walking the Beijing waterways: Western route

Walking the Beijing waterways: Southern route

Story: D J Clark

Video: D J Clark

Animation: Xu Jiye

Producer: Flora Yue

Walking the Beijing waterways: Eastern route


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Walking the Beijing waterways: Eastern route

About D J Clark

D J Clark has worked worldwide as a multimedia journalist for more than 20 years. As well as working for China Daily he runs an MA course in Multimedia journalism at Beijing Foreign Studies University and is the Director of Visual Journalism at the Asia Center for Journalism in Manila, Philippines.
