Harness digital tech for tangible results
Ramon L. Cualoping III, assistant secretary and chief brand integrator of the Presidential Communications Operations Office of the Republic of the Philippines
The internet is a powerful tool for us to make our work more efficient. We have invested heavily in the internet. And we hope to use the internet as a way of forging better partnerships with our international counterparts. It is very nice for nations and government officials like us to meet our counterparts and discuss about the world internet. China is leading the way as a global power and as your good neighbor and friend, I am glad to be here and listen to what China has to say. Nowadays the internet is the greatest equalizer because the rich and the poor can access the same thing which helps bridge the gap. I think making sure that mobile phones are affordable to everyone, especially those in far-flung areas, can be a great way to narrow the gap, because it is a very useful tool for the government to deliver basic services and let everyone learn and experience what is happening outside their communities.