Unusual but true: Cell-grown steak
Noise-cancelling kennel
Faces lit up with joy as the countdown to midnight begins and the skies are illuminated by fireworks on New Year's Eve. But the soundtrack to that experience can be a painful one for pets and worrying for owners.
An estimated 45 percent of dogs in the UK show signs of fear when they hear fireworks causing distress to owners and their families too.
One possible answer could be a noise-cancelling kennel that uses similar technology to that found in cars and headphones to protect sensitive canine ears and ensure owners do not have to banish their pets away from the rest of the family.
The idea was inspired by the noise-cancelling technology that Ford has introduced to the Edge SUV that helps to ensure quieter journeys for drivers and passengers. When microphones pick up high levels of noise from the engine or transmission, this is counteracted using opposing sound waves from the car audio system.