Hunan woman devotes life to assisting disabled
Fortunately, she received tremendous support from her family, who reminded her that they loved her just like she loved her little boy. They encouraged her to focus more on educating Chengcheng, who was already showing signs of intelligence and strong observational skills.
Wang decided to let go of her grief and began teaching her son to read lips when he was just 18 months old. She hoped that one day he would be able to speak and receive an education like other children.
However, she had no idea where to start, so she began by reading books at the library about how to communicate with hearing-impaired children and practiced some of the methods she learned. When she couldn't figure out how to address certain problems, she would turn to doctors for help.
It's not easy to teach any child to pronounce words, let alone one with hearing loss. But Wang didn't give up. She bought Chengcheng a hearing aid, and taught him to watch her mouth and let him touch her throat as she spoke so he could feel the vibrations.
Within two months, Chengcheng could say a few easy words like "baba" and "mama", meaning "father" and "mother" in Chinese respectively.