Hunan woman devotes life to assisting disabled
Gradually, Chengcheng's ability to speak and read lips improved, and he was able to attend normal schools as he got older. He received a cochlear implant in 2012 when he was in junior high school, and eight years later, his impressive academic performance earned him admission to a university.
Wang decided to use the skills she learned to help other families with children like her son. In 2003, she launched a free workshop to teach children how to speak and read lips.
It didn't take long for her to attract both students and funds. Fortunately, she was able to establish close ties with many families.
"I'm very grateful that they helped me, both financially and mentally, to continue running my workshop," she said.
In 2010, Wang set up a rehabilitation center with funds and guidance provided by social organizations and the Changsha government. The center has attracted many certified teachers and is now the largest in the city serving the disabled.
So far, 3,000 families have received help, and 1,600 children with various disabilities have attended courses at the center. Nine have been admitted to universities.
"I believe every child at the center has a bright future and will enjoy a happy life," she said.