
Business / Hangzhou G20

G20 plays to Times Square

By Hong Xiao in New York (China Daily) Updated: 2016-09-07 09:03

G20 plays to Times Square

Promotional videos featuring the G20 Summit in Hangzhou are shown on the billboard-sized screen in New York's Times Square. The three films will be shown multiple times daily until Sept 8, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua]

'China's role important to understanding the nature of the issues,' UBS adviser says

A series of promotional videos starring the G20 Summit in Hangzhou is being shown on the billboard-sized screen in New York's Times Square.

The series consists of three films, introducing China and the G20 Summit to tourists from around the world.

The 90-second video China Connecting With You G20 depicts China's efforts to combat the global financial crisis and push for economic growth.

Economists from UBS, ANZ (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group) and the London School of Economics comment in the video about the role China plays in revitalizing the world economy and its strategy to revitalize the ancient Silk Road and head up the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

"It's quite true that a lot of emerging countries in the world are having enormous economic problems at the moment. China's role in international bodies like the G20 is really, really important in understanding the nature of the issues and what the collective solutions might be," George Magnus, a senior economic adviser at UBS, said in the video.

"China has a lot to offer in terms of ideas, solutions, innovative approaches," said Garrick Hileman, an economic historian at the University of Cambridge and London School of Economics. "And I see China is now playing a much more significant role in creating. It is opening its economy as (much as) possible."

Famed investor Jim Rogers, author of Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets, said: "China is the model for all the developing nations in the world. The 21st century is going to be the century of China."

The 90-second China's Responsibility for G20 stresses the importance of building a cooperative, mutual-gain global partnership.

The film introduces that China signals its commitment to G20 members and beyond through the mega Belt and Road Initiative, AIIB and South-South Cooperation.

The film also details China's call for the world to find ways to achieve sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.

Scenic landscapes of the G20 Leaders Summit host city, Hangzhou, in Zhejiang province, and Chinese metropolises such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong are featured in the films.

China Connecting With You G20 and China's Responsibility for G20 were being played 96 times a day, starting on Saturday. And the three-minute film introducing China and the G20 has been played 48 times a day since Sunday.

All three films will be shown until Thursday.

The 12-by-18-meter screen broadcasting the films is located in the center of Times Square. As it has frequently displayed China-related films since 2011, the screen is known as the "China Screen".

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