Morty: Everyone goes on autopilot now and then. The big difference is now you've got a nifty remote to help you decide when.
Michael: This thing is the best.
Morty: By the way, your wife? Absolutely gorgeous.
Michael: She is, isn't she?
Morty: Perfect face. Tight, rocking body.
Michael: You okay?
Morty: Amazing.
Michael: What is?
Morty: She fell for a schlub like you.
Michael: I'm a schlub? I don't know about that, pal. I see a good-looking man right there. You wanna see what a stud I used to be? Yeah? All right, let's take a look at some of the girls I used to fool around with before I met Donna. Oh.
Morty: Is that a man or a woman?
Michael: A woman.
Morty: What is this, Animal Planet? Stop.
Michael: Yes.
Morty: You know, sometimes it's better to keep certain memories just in your head.
Michael: So I've learned, Morty. Good night. Thank you.
Morty: Good night, Michael.
Michael: I'm getting sick, man. Fast-forward me till I'm better.
Donna: Michael, honey, wake up. You'll be late for work.
Michael: What? It's Monday already? Are you kidding me? No more phlegm? I skipped an entire cold? Thanks to you, baby! I love you! No more Tylenol! I don't remember doing any work this weekend. But apparently I did.
Donna: Bad news. There's no hot water.
Michael: What? I gotta take a shower.
Donna: Well, you're gonna freeze your bun-buns off.
Michael: It's all good. Yes! Look at me. All showered and dressed and looking sexy. I like that. I-
Samantha: Did you smoke crack, Daddy?
Michael: Just watch yourtoons and have a great day with Mommy today, okay? Eating cupcakes like your old man. Right here, baby.
Ben: Dad?
Michael: Yes, sir?
Ben: Are you gonna have to work late again tonight?
Michael: Unfortunately, yes.
Samantha: Is there anything we can do to help?
Michael: Well, I'm gonna be partner soon, and I'm gonna need a lot of new building designs. So if you guys have any cool ideas, I want you to draw them up for me.
Ben&Samantha: Okay.
Michael: Rock 'n' roll.
Samantha: I get the paper.
Ben: I got the crayons.
1. Fall for
Fall for 是個俚語,意思是“to fall in love with,become attracted to” ,例如:I was sure he'd fall for her.
Fall for 作為俚語還有一個常用的意思是“to be deceived by被欺騙”,例如:He fell for the con artist's scheme and lost a great deal of money.
2. Fool around
Fool around 在這里的意思是“Engage in flirting or casual sexual acts; engage in adultery(與異性)鬼混”,例如:He caught the two teenagers fooling around in the basement.
3. Bun-buns
Bun 是一種小圓面包,但在俚語中指“半邊屁股”,圓圓的屁股看起來和小圓面包的外形確實也是很像哦。以此類推,bun-buns 當然就是“整個屁股”了。