Test Dates
1. National Test Dates
HSK Basic is offered twice a year on fixed dates.
(1) the second Sunday in January 2:30 pm (Beijing time)
(2) the fourth Sunday in May 2:30 pm (Beijing time)
HSK Elementary-Intermediate is offered three times a year in fixed dates.
(1) the second Sunday in January 9:00 am (Beijing time)
(2) the fourth Sunday in May 9:00 am (Beijing time)
(3) July 25, 9:00 am (Beijing time)
HSK Advanced is administered once a year on a fixed date
(1) the second Sunday in May 9:00 am (Beijing time)
2. International test dates are not fixed. They depend on the arrangement between the Office of State Commission of Chinese Proficiency Test and the individual test center. Please contact test centers or agencies for further information. (Addresses of the test centers are given in the User Handbook).
Advisory Services
The Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK ) is a non-profit test. Any academic institution or organization, or university interested in promoting HSK is encouraged to administer HSK. Those institutions intend to conduct HSK must satisfy the following four requirements:
(1)The institution is expected to have an academic background or a kind of academic authority in academic circles.
(2)Administration of HSK intends to help, not specific group of people but people of all ages and in all walks of life.
(3)HSK is for the public good. The aim of HSK is non-profit.
(4) The institution should be able to provide the best conditions possible, e. g. comfortable room temperature, low noise level, adequate writing surfaces, spacing of seats, good 1ight and ventilation, good recording equipment and sound delivery, as well as trained and qualified examiners who are proficient in Chinese. For detailed information please contact:
---Office of the State Commission of Chinese Proficiency Test
Tel: (+8610) 82303978
Fax: (+8610) 82303915
---HSK Center of Beijing Language and Culture University
Address: HSK Center of Beijing Language and Culture University
No.15, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China? ?100083
Tel:(+8610) 82303672 / 82303962
Fax: (+8610) 82303901
E-mail:[email protected]??[email protected]
Homepage: http://www.hsk.org.cn