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Contact Info
(cneaexpo.org) Updated: 2015-08-18

If you have any questions about the exhibition, please do not hesitate to let us know at:

Jilin Expo Affairs Bureau Business Promotion Division

Overseas & Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan Participants:

Northeast Asia: +86 431-82768839/82766855

Americas: +86 431-82769992

Europe, Southeast Asia and South Asia: +86 431-82766800/82765551

Oceania:+86 431-82765557

Africa, Western Asia:+86 431-82766001

Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan: +86 431-82768200/82768300

Domestic Participants:

Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei: +86 431 82769992

Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Northwest, Southwest, and Shanxi:+86 431 82768100/82768300

Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia: +86 431 82766001

Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi and Shandong: +86 431 82765557

Marketing and Cooperation:+86 431-82765557/82766955

Fax:+86 431-82718210/82758828


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